PROMIS Pediatric Physical Activity (ages 8-17)

Description: An 8-item self-report measure for children and adolescents ages 8-17 years. Focuses on self-reported capability rather than actual performance of physical activities. This includes the functioning of one’s upper extremities (dexterity), lower extremities (walking or mobility), and central regions (neck, back), as well as instrumental activities of daily living.

Scoring: Interpreting PROMIS Scoring

Click below to view the measure.

Note: This assessment may be used across a variety of different psychiatric populations. This assessment has, however, been included in the PROMIS Autism Battery - Lifespan, which is a battery of assessments developed for assessing quality of life across the lifespan for youth and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Click below to learn more about the PROMIS Autism Battery – Lifespan.