Documenting Patient Exclusion from PROM

There are three exclusion criteria for PROM: patient refusal, patient cannot self-report due to cognitive impairment, and not eligible. Once excluded, patients will not receive any PROM emails.

When starting PROM with your patients for the first time, you may see that your patients already have an exclusion PROM status:

Regardless of the patient's PROM button status, you can update PROM exclusions as needed.

To exclude your patient from PROM, select the appropriate exclusion reason then select Save. Your patient's PROM button status will update to show excluded.

To remove an exclusion so that your patient can begin PROMS, deselect the exclusion reason then select Save. Your patient's PROM button status will update to show another status such as enroll and you will see options to deploy or send the PROM.