PROM Dashboard - Introduction

For outpatient providers, you will find the patient schedule for that particular day. You can use the Date Selector to choose which days you would like to view. As an outpatient provider, you will also find a tab called Patient List, which lists all of the patients within your program, the patient's most recent appointment and their next scheduled appointment.

For inpatient and day hospitals providers, you will find a list of current patients (called a census board).

All of the patients that you find on the dashboard are patients that are admitted to your program in GE/IDX. If there are any discrepancies between your caseload and the dashboard, please verify the patient information in GE/IDX, then reach out to us via Support if there are any additional issues.


PROM Buttons

You can use the PROM column on your dashboard to see which patients are currently participating (and those not participating) in PROM. There are various buttons that may appear in this column:

  • enroll: for patients that have not completed their first PROM and have not been excluded for any reason.
  • due: for patients that are participating in PROM (i.e., they have been enrolled) and have a PROM currently available, but no email address or phone number is listed for this patient. 
  • sent: for patients that have had their PROM questionnaire sent to them, but have not yet completed.
  • up-to-date: for patients have completed their current instance of PROM
  • missed: for patient with no PROM available at the present time, however, patient did not complete their previous PROM questionnaire
  • excluded: for patients that are not receiving PROM because they are identified as refusing to participate in PROM or are identified as unable to self-report due to cognitive impairment.
  • No PROMs: for patients that do not have any PROMs selected.

Please continue reading to learn the difference between self-report patient PROMs and proxy-report PROMs.

Please continue reading to learn how you can customize PROMs for your patients.

Please continue reading to learn how you can exclude patients from PROM questionnaires.

Please continue reading to learn how you can document if your patient needs assistance for completing PROM questionnaires.