On the individual patient dashboard, you will find the Download Data button in the upper right. Using this tool, you will be able to download an excel file (.xlsx) containing the PROM scores for your patient. In addition, you can generate a PDF file for the most recent PROM scores in 'View Responses.'
Download Data from Individual Patient Dashboard
1. Select the Download Data button.
2. In the PROM Data History screen, select the lookback period (or how far back in time the data file should look for PROM data). Then select Create Report.
3. In the Download PROM Data Report screen, select the PROMs that you want to include in the report by selecting PROMs individually or Select All PROMs. Please note: only the PROMs that are available in the selected lookback period will be included in the list.
Then select Download.
4. An excel file will be downloaded with the following naming convention: "prom-download-mrn-######-date/time". An example excel file is shown below.
The first sheet/tab will include PHI-free patient data, including the MRN and Visit Number. The tab will also include the PROM data lookback period.
The following sheets/tabs will include the data for each PROM selected.
5. When you select one of the sheets/tabs, the PROM scores and responses from the selected lookback period will be displayed.
Download PROM Data from View Responses
When you select 'View Responses' for a PROM on the Individual Patient Dashboard, a table will open to display the 3 most recent completions for your patient.
The table will include the date of completion, the score for that instance, and the responses your patient selected.
You can download/print this table as a PDF by selecting the Print button in the upper left.
You can use the clipboard icon to copy this table. You can then paste the information into an Excel file.